

My name is Meike and I’m a PhD student of English Literature. I was lucky enough to be able to choose a dissertation topic that I love – my thesis (in very general terms) discusses detective fiction and games, and how we can describe certain narrative features in game terminology. I hope that this will help to clear up some confusion about how to divide the genre into subgenres, for example, and how to better describe similarities and differences between different detective novels.

However, I just love detective fiction in general! I created this blog to share bits and pieces of my research that I think would interest a general audience, but also to collect everything else I find along the way that won’t have a place in my thesis itself. I want to blog about conferences I attend, books I read, plays and shows I watch – all those things adjacent to my research but not-quite-in-my-field.

Thank you for reading!

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I’m Meike

I’m doing my PhD in English Literature, specialising in mystery and detective fiction. I’m here to share things I find out on my research journey!

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